A Christmas Message from the Cathedral Canons | 2022

21st Dec 2022
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Chichester Cathedral would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas.

All are welcome to join our celebrations, some of which are available online. Below, the Cathedral's Canon Precentor Jack, Canon Treasurer Vanessa and Canon Chancellor Dan reflect upon this period.

"In this season of Advent, Christians are encouraged to pause and to take stock by looking backwards, to the first coming of Jesus Christ, which we are preparing to celebrate very soon now, at Christmas, and to look forward, to Christ’s Second Coming, where he will come to judge the people’s of the world with righteous justice and infinite mercy. All to better inform and shape where we are now, in the present.  

As we look back over this past year of our shared life together at Chichester Cathedral, there is lots to reflect on, lots that we, together, have achieved:

Welcoming girls into our Cathedral choir, for example, or launching our new Cathedral vision, beginning the Art of Worship project, finishing the fundraising for the new Cathedral roof, or starting our new children, family and caregivers service, welcoming the county and the city to the Cathedral to mark the death of Her Late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, hosting the Diocese for a range of new services, for example at Black History Month, or running our first Alpha course, or our amazing Flower Festival.

There is much to be thankful for, and as a Cathedral community we have received and enjoyed so much this year, but the real gift this Christmas, lies beyond any of our achievements.

It is simply this: That what truly defines us all is not what we achieve: but that as God draws near to us in Jesus Christ, we discover that we are truly loved as God’s children – and that nothing can separate us from this love.

On behalf of all at Chichester Cathedral, may we wish you, and those that you love, a peaceful and blessed Christmas."

Canon Dan, Jack & Vanessa

21st Dec 2022
News category